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HANDMADE : Kitty Open Wide Zipper Pouch

i want to learn make pouch again, because you know.. i almost always fail to make it. so i want to make this simple yet need a little bit trick.
this is Open Wide Zippered Pouch ( i have previously shared the link here

i made in 2 size, medium and small.

below is in medium size

as you can see, there is some dirty in fabric, here is the secret : never sew hello kitty in front of your kid especially if your kid love hello kitty. ara put crayon she love in there, that is why it got dirty.
i cannot refuse when she asked this pouch for herself, she looks really happy.

i love the zipper tab.

and here is inside

now, this is the small pouch.

front side

back side

zipper tab nya sengaja dipilih motif tertentu biar terlihat seperti fussy cutting gitu

aku menggunakan warna kain yang berbeda untuk inside nya, selain supaya ga bosan saat membuatnya juga ingin tahu, yang mana yang membuat lebih cantik, tapi setelah dijahit, tetap aja bingung lining mana yang terlihat lebih serasi..

nah, ini perbedaan antara smaal and medium size.

i hope you want to try this pouch. it is easy to make and very useful.

if you make it, and post it in instagram, don't forget to use hastag #openwidezipperedpouch , maybe noodlehead will give a like (heart), like my pouch.. 😄

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