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BOM : Another Free Quilt Along

are you doing i-sew-lation during this pandemic? here i will share free quilt to make you keep busy at home and distract your mind from this corona virus.

no. 1

Paducah in Bloom

80" x 80"

they also sell kit for this quilt along. go to their site to find another color option for this quilt.

no. 2
 this is mystery quilt 2020 from Edyta Sitar.
because this is mystery quilt, we  don't know the finished quilt, but here is the latest blocks position

you can click here for see the tutorial.
she will update every day, so make sure visit her blog daily.

no 3
free blocks from Gracey.
i don't know how much block she will make, but for now there are 3 free blocks size 6" and 12" .

i hope all of you stay safe and healthy.. 

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